Finding Fresh Starts through Reflection and Integration

Just over a month on from our beautiful Delphi Awakening Retreat, a participant reflects on what gifts she has been left with…

“The Delphi Awakening retreat promised a week of profound introspection and connection in a breathtaking setting with a focus on finding myself… and it certainly delivered.

Starting my business, relocating across to the other side of the world and completely changing my life at the beginning of 2023 meant that I was, and still am, on a journey of self discovery both personally and professionally. This, over time, has brought up many things for me both incredibly positive and challenging in equal measure. 

Taking these huge steps to change my life has inevitably changed who I am, what my values are and the direction that I want my life to go in. I wasn’t prepared for the amount of growth that I would undergo over such a short period of time or the level of self doubt and crisis of confidence that I would face. Everything was starting to feel like a bit of a blur and it was affecting my motivation, ability to be consistent and even how I was showing up. 

Applying my own professional experience told me that what I needed was some clarity. Afterall, without clarity even the best path leads nowhere. 

I decided it was time to practice what I preach, invest in myself and get to know and understand this new version of me a little better. That’s what led me to the retreat.

There were so many moments throughout the retreat where the combination of new knowledge delivered through workshops run by two renowned psychologists planted a seed. A new perspective on what I truly value, insight into the parts of me that I would usually judge and shy away from and the space for reflection started to enable me to see things more clearly. 

The simple pleasures enabled the time and space for reflection. The stillness during one of the sound baths. Letting go of any pent up emotion during dance therapy. Breathing consciously during a daily breathwork session. These interventions were a good release for things that I had been holding on to. 

I have come away with a new understanding of myself, my priorities, my values and with a feeling of being ready and also excited to embrace all of me. 

I am left with this resounding lesson. Let go of any ‘shoulds’, let go of any preconceived notions that you already have about yourself, let go of any judgment. Start afresh, from where you are right now, prioritise what is most important and valued by you and come up with a plan to enable this to filter into every area of your life. Live in alignment. Be the most wholesome version of yourself, whatever this feels like for you. 

So here’s to my fresh start. I can’t wait to see what it is going to bring me.”


The therapeutic function of the Corybantic Rites in Ancient Greece


Reflections from a dance movement therapy workshop with young refugees