Φιλόσοφος γίνου - BE A SEEKER OF WISDOM.

Corporate Workshops

Delphi Awakening creative workshops are informed by psychological science, mythology, mindfulness, and dance / movement therapy. We use a bio-psycho-social approach that integrates physical, psychological and social processes to cultivate insight, creativity and change.

Creativity is an integrated mind and body, self and others process.

Corporate Wellness

Physical, emotional and social wellness are the main components of corporate wellness. Our workshops address all three components. We utilise experiential exercises that energise the moving body and mind, helping employees to develop new connections within themselves and their colleagues and enables them to identify, express and process their emotions through movement, and words.

Today, more than anytime in the past, corporate organisations need holistic wellness and resilience-building programs as detachment, work-related stress and loneliness affect a big percentage of their employees leading to work absenteeism, mental health problems, reduced engagement, and low performance.

Feeling & Embodying our Humanity

Most people working in an office spend most of their time interacting with an an inanimate object…their computer or the mobile phone. This eventually reduces their perspective, their creativity, and imagination. They end up feeling isolated, lost, detached and robotic. Imagine what it feels like creating a mindful personal and a greater general kinesphere by being present in our bodies and expanding our awareness to include other people around us.

This means moving out of our heads and employing our whole being in relating to the world and others. In those moments we are a complete organism that relates to others in a profound way; we are alive and connected to the world. We are human beings rather than human doings.

The Corpus in the Corporate….or else why the Body matters in the Corporate world

Etymologically the word Corporate stems from the latin corpus which means body. The word body is in the very essence and at the heart of corporate. It is about many bodies becoming one, working together towards the same goal, dancing the same dance as harmoniously as possible.

Let’s go back to the roots of what corporate means, let’s connect to our bodies to develop a shared ‘choreograpy’ embracing your company’s values whilst respecting the individuality of each of your employees. By paying attention to every single member of the team you build a strong body for your company…a solid foundation that moves with flexibility.

Intentions of our Workshops

Whether you adopt our workshops as part of an ongoing wellness program for your team, as a single transformative intervention or as the kick-off to a successful Away-Day, our holistic all-inclusive interventions will help your organisation and your employees to move with direction.

Our workshops have been offered to date in the UK, in France, in Italy, and in Greece. Our team can travel to different locations around the world to deliver our workshops at your company premises or in other suitable places.

Our workshops entail many traditional, as well as innovative, learning styles including role playing, acting, moving, dancing, writing, drawing and other experiential psychologically-informed exercises.

All you need for the workshops is to come as you are, although comfortable clothing is required so that you move as you wish.

Our exercises, based on active imagination, give voice to what is there, but we often can’t hear. It gives shape and form to what is present, but we sometimes can’t see. What a better way to learn than playing?

Workshop Themes

We design and run bespoke workshops that are tailored to address the needs of your company. All workshops inherently reinforce team building, creativity, empathy and gratitude. They are all-inclusive.

The duration of each workshop varies between 3 and 6 hours. The size of the group may be between 8 and 16 participants, but larger group workshops can be held upon request.

Our workshops are run by two creative doctors of psychology, who each hold further studies in method acting and dance movement therapy.

 These are the themes of the workshops offered to date:

  • Learning from the archetypes: enhance your female leadership skills

  • Moving across boarders, embracing diversity

  • Resilience: Bouncing back and moving forward

  • My personal values as my compass, my map and my anchor

  • Playing, moving and connecting

  • How to champion yourself and others

  • Enhanced empathy skills at the workplace

  • Creating meaningful connections

  • Setting and communicating healthy boundaries

  • Moving as a team towards emotional wellness: release through movement for life’s ups, downs and all arounds

  • Mindfulness at the workplace

  • Buzzing with energy: How to increase your creativity and imagination

Residential Corporate Retreats

We are also able to offer and host residential retreats for either a long weekend or full week, in peaceful and inspiring locations across Greece, where your team can not only focus on creativity and team building, but also personal development and introspection.

You can read more on our approach to retreats here, but do contact us to learn how we could craft a residential experience tailor-made for your team.

To find out more about what Delphi Awakening can offer your team, please contact us below or write direct to contact@delphiawakening.com.

Signature Workshop

  • This workshop focuses on helping female leaders develop a better understanding of their personality and behaviours in relation to archetypal energies that are inherent to all humans. We learn how to move beyond stereotypes and embrace who we are.

    This workshop integrates psychological theory, mythology, role playing, movement and other experiential exercises. It is fun and profound!

    The aims are to

    • To connect to the archetypes of the Ancient Greek Goddesses and discover within ourselves the values and energies they embody.

    • To understand and experience the energy of the archetypes vs the limitations of the stereotypes.

      • Stereotypes keep people boxed in. Archetypes open things up. They come with new possibilities, expansion and development.

    • To experience and maybe incorporate balancing and complementary qualities and values of our non-predominant archetypes.

    • To use our new insights/awareness as a resource that helps us to move and grow out of our comfort zone and thus develop further as leaders.

    • To dare to be playful and imaginative. For some participants this literally means to move out of their comfort zone. Props will be used to help participants be playful, comfortable and imaginative.

    • To have an experience of using our creativity as a resource.

    • To use all of the above on my journey towards becoming an authentic, wholesome, inspiring and conscious leader

This segment is absolutely amazing: an eye opener, super helpful for understanding our own beings and
out tendencies in life and work.

Great foundations to build on.
— Archetypes Workshop attendee, June 2024
It was certainly something different, but fitted well in the overall theme of the training. [It] opened my eyes and helped me structure better what are some typical strengths and weaknesses and how to make the best of them.
— Archetypes Workshop attendee, June 2024
I felt an element of liberation from the day to day & operational approach we take...to be part of a more free, open-minded and reflective space.
— Archetypes Workshop attendee, June 2024
‘The workshop was very highly valued by my team members. They were initially shy and reserved, yet Tina managed to build a creative safe space throughout the day.

The team merged and shyness gave way to movement, release and a new found confidence. It was perfectly orchestrated with lots of fluidity between the different exercises.

Tina has a special gift of connecting with people and gently pushing them beyond their zone of comfort.

As stated by the team, this workshop was not just a team building exercise.
It was a way for the team to come together and tackle challenges in the business environment with a new-found confidence and self- esteem’
— Damini Lykidis Diehl, Global Account Leader @ Google France


‘I was so impressed with the workshop and the amazing way of how motion, dance, mindfulness and thoughts are coming together.

We could reproduce feelings with movement and this helped us any possible negative feelings rather than bottling them up.

It was also important to do this as a group as we could sense the attitude of each person toward a situation.

It’s a great relief, a significant ‘self-investment’ as it makes you think and come into terms with your inner self.’
— Julia Grapsa, MD, PhD Consultant Cardiologist


A retreat like no other.


A 5-day intensive, integrative experiential workshop in the mythical setting of Delphi.

The experience is designed by two expert psychologists combining mind and body practices for self-transformation.

Ancient wisdom and beauty combine with the most cutting-edge modern science in human psychology and wellbeing, all set against a majestic landscape.